

Here we store material for the Data Analysis part of the CB2030, Systems Biology course.

This project is maintained by statisticalbiotechnology

Preparations for lecture on Hypothesis Testing

As a preparation for the Hypothesis Testing convocation, make yourself acquainted with the material below, and subsequently complete any tasks assigned to you in canvas.

  1. Watch the Video Lecture on Hypothesis Testing, and its slides
  2. Read the chapter 8.3 and 9.1-9.5 in Downey on hypothesis testing. The associated code is available here.
  3. Investigate the jupyter notebook on Differential expression anlaysis of the TCGA breast cancer set. If you want some study questions we provide some here
  4. Read previous years questions and answers on the material.

Additional/Alternative material

  1. StatQuest on Hypothesis testing and p values
  2. Khan Academy on Hypothesis testing
  3. Wikipedia entries for p value, p value falacy, Volcano plots and permutation tests.
  4. Stackexchange comments on Fisher vs. Neyman & Pearson framework
  5. XKCD on p-hacking