

Here we store material for the Data Analysis part of the CB2030, Systems Biology course.

This project is maintained by statisticalbiotechnology

Schedule 2023

Code Day Date Time_ Location ID The content of the Convocation
L1 Wed 01/11 08-10 Q2 All Introduction
C0 Thu 02/11 13-17 Grå, Karmosin, Vit, Magenta All Software and Notebooks
L2 Fri 03/11 08-10 M3 LK Hypothesis Testing
L3 Mon 06/11 16-18 FR4 LK Multiple Testing
L4 Thu 09/11 16-18 FD5 LK Linear Models
L5 Mon 13/11 08-10 FR4 LK Supervised Learning
L6 Wed 15/11 08-10 FD5 LK Clustering
C1 Wed 15/11 15-19 Grå, Karmosin, Vit, Magenta YZ,ME,KJ Hypothesis Testing
L7 Fri 17/11 13-15 FR4 LK Principal Component Analysis
L8 Wed 22/11 08-10 FD5 LK Variational Auto Encoders
L9 Fri 24/11 13-15 FD5 LK Pathway Analysis
L10 Wed 29/11 08-10 FD5 CZ Genome-scale metabolic models and Linear Programming
C2 Thu 30/11 13-17 Brun, Grå, Grön ME,YZ,KJ,MS Machine Learning
L11 Fri 01/12 08-10 Q2 CZ Flux balance analysis
L12 Mon 04/12 08-10 M3 CZ Application of genome-scale metabolic models
L13 Wed 06/12 08-10 FD5 FE Protein Expression Analysis
C3 Wed 06/12 13-17 Grå, Karmosin, Vit, Magenta MS, TS, KJ, YZ Metabolic Modelling
L14 Fri 08/12 10-12 M3 FE The Concept of Gene Regulation
L15 Mon 11/12 08-10 FD5 FE Protein expression Quantitative Trait Loci (pQTL)
C4 Mon 11/12 10-15 Spelhallen, Sporthallen, Vit TS,KJ,ME,YZ Gene Regulation
L16 Wed 13/12 13-15 FR4 CZ Next-generation genome-scale metabolic modeling
L17 Thu 14/12 15-17 M3 FE Seminar: Tissue Specificity and Data Annotation
L18 Fri 15/12 10-12 FD5 All Q&A
Exam Tue 9/1 14-18 FA31, FB51 All Systems Biology

We used the following codes:

ID Name
LK Lukas Käll
CZ Cheng Zhang
FE Fredrik Edfors
KJ Krzysztof Jurdzinski
ME Markus Ekvall
MS Mengnan Shi
TS Thanadol Sutantiwanichkul
YZ Yuqi Zheng